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Public Speaking & Education

I’ve spoken at a huge number of events and love meeting new audiences, passing on my experience and answering questions - even the hard ones I wasn’t expecting - online and in person. Here are some of my current and previous engagements.

School events


Member of Speakers For Schools | ongoing 

Journalist Robert Peston’s programme of providing professional speakers to schools around the UK.


Higher & Further Education

From the very start of my career I've been energetically involved in education and the next generation of creative professionals.
I was even a part-time course director for a while (which was very demanding alongside a full time illustration business!)

I've given talks to students from Primary School through A Levels, BTEC, HND, BA, MA and beyond, on most aspects of creative life and business.


Workshops & Demos

I carry out interactive, relaxed workshops in-agency or at purpose booked venues. Examples include introducing teams at Leo Burnett and Saatchi to the playful joys of ink on paper! I run them in schools, colleges and universities, too.

Other events

If it involves creativity, children, pencils, consultation; judging a competition; discussions, portfolio advice or talking about books, promotion or business - I've done it, and can do it for you!

If you're scheming on an idea, get in touch. I've done all of these and more (usefully linked where available):

Portfolio reviews events or educational settings
Advice / Q&A sessions

Competition judging
Degree and post-grad external examiner / moderator
Wacom Demonstrations (as a Wacom sponsored artist)

Adobe Demonstrations (live and online)

Lettering Workshops
Pen & Ink Workshops

National Teen Book Week events
World Book Day events

Professional Practice events

Association of Illustrators past speaker and Images judge

Pecha Kucha 20x20

               Sarah, your talk was an inspiration to our young illustrators and artists and as a result some are keen to follow their dreams and pursue a career in art.  Thank you so much!  Hastings High School


If you’d like to book me for any event or for your school, university or college, please email.
If you want to hear about upcoming events, the best plan is to sign up to my Monthly Newsreel!

Selected past events


If you'd like to receive my newsreel roughly once a month - showing new projects, shop items and sometimes with offers and freebies - click here!

Sarah J. Coleman's Illustration Newsreel Signup

All work © Sarah J Coleman unless otherwise stated.

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