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The Inkvent Project

A collaboration with Diamine Inks

The first ever Inkvent Calendar was created in 2019 together with Diamine Inks, my long-term clients and collaborators.
It contained a brand new, specially-made ink for every day of December, and had never been done before. It sold out in weeks.


To celebrate the existence of my dream advent calendar that year, I created a piece of work every day throughout December, using that day's ink colour. You can see them all on my Inkstagram and TikTok.

My rules were:

- One take only - no practising or repeating

- Only use the ink provided

- No digital faffing!

The originals were all sold the following January with proceeds going to The Trussell Trust, and prints available. 

In 2021, the Inkvent Calendar was produced again with 25 brand new, unique ink colours - and again in 2022. It's now an annual feature in the global ink lovers calendar, and I'm overjoyed to be at the centre of the action with my ink-wizard colleagues at Diamine!


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All work © Sarah J Coleman unless otherwise stated.

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